Jeenal Mehta

WISE LIVING - Yoga Philosophy

Jeenal Mehta, originally from India and born into a family of Bhakti Yoga Hindus, has been learning Yoga since childhood from her venerable mother.
She furthered her study of Yoga as a lifestyle, therapy, and philosophy at “The Yoga Institute” in Mumbai, an institution founded on the principles of Scientific Yoga by Shri Yogendraji, recognized as the father of the modern Yoga renaissance and a pioneer in making Yoga accessible beyond India’s monastic and ascetic contexts.
Jeenal studied traditional Yoga scriptures with various masters in India, earning a diploma in Vipassana and Buddhist Philosophy. Integrating teachings of modern psychotherapy with ancient Yoga wisdom, Jeenal empowers and supports her students, guiding them through their healing journey.
As the co-founder and director of the Wise Living Yoga Academy in Thailand, an institute providing Yoga teacher training, health and wellness programs, and Yoga teachings outreach initiatives, Jeenal promotes a holistic approach by blending ancient traditions with modern methodologies, distinguishing the Wise Living Yoga Academy for its practicality and accessibility.
Among Jeenal’s fundamental teaching principles is the integration of Yoga science with modern medical discoveries, always considering the individual in all dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The goal is to make Yoga accessible to all, adapting yogic practices to the needs of modern life and using them as a therapeutic tool.
The Wise Living Yoga Academy is dedicated to Yoga education and research, aiming to disseminate knowledge and train qualified teachers.
Besides being a skilled and versatile speaker on Yoga-related topics with over 20 years of teaching experience, Jeenal is a passionate advocate for vegan nutrition and animal rights. She is the author of a nutrition book titled “Spices and Love,” inspired by Ayurvedic principles. Her students describe her as a transformative guide.

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